
Scleroderma Family Day - Saturday 18th May 2024
In person meeting
The Atrium, ground floor Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, London NW3 2QG
Chair: Professor Chris Denton
Dame Carol Black, Profs Chris Denton & David Abraham
10:30 11:00
Scleroderma and the nephrologist
Edward Stern
Lung fibrosis
Nina Goldman
PH - New treatments and Beyond DETECT
Gerry Coghlan
Voon Ong/Chris Denton
12:00 12:30
Updating the BSR guidelines for systemic sclerosis
Lunch Break
14:00 14:30
International perspective
Stefano Rodolfi - Milan, Italy
Gastrointestinal scleroderma the role of the physiotherapist
Hannah Beecham-Timmington
15:00 15:30
NHS Pathways, NICE, and drug access
Bridget Griffiths
Read about scleroderma research Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust:
This year, 2024, I will have spent over half of my life, 27 years, living with a scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) and Raynaud's diagnosis, and all that entails. 🤢
Read more:
Eternally grateful to Dame Professor Carol Black and Professor Chris Denton Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust 😇
Please donate to medical research to identify a cure and the cause of scleroderma, at the Scleroderma Unit Royal Free Hospital. Every penny will be used for research purposes only. Thank You 🙏
There are several ways as to how you can donate:
Via the Royal Free Charity:
Donation Page : https://royalfreecharity.org/donate
Scroll down to tick box 'your donation will be used where the need is greatest. However please tick this box if you would like to donate to a specific appeal or fund'. Click on the box to reveal 'a where would you like to give to' drop down menu. Scroll down to the Scleroderma and Raynaud's research option and click on this option.
Leave a gift in your Will :
The Royal Free Charity provides a free Will writing service ☝️
Just Giving Page :
Thank You 🙏
To Read My Articles:
Gift in My Will, Click here
Planning for the Future: Click here
Celebrating 20 years of being a patient at the scleroderma unit, 2018, Click Here
#SclerodermaFreeWorld #RaynaudsFreeWorld
#Research #Scleroderma #SystemicSclerosis #Raynauds #Autoimmune #RareDisease #NoCure #UnknownCause #LifeChanging #ConnectiveTissue