Weekly, Raynaud's Scleroderma Diet - Roy Louden
My Weekly Diet - Roy Louden
Before I get started, I want to address the phase I went though in 2008 - 09 when I could barely eat anything. Those years were constant diarrhea unreal flatulence and vomiting… sometimes just stomach fluid, no food.
The things I could rely on were eggs, oatmeal with honey, unsweetened applesauce. Variation from that led to bloating and reflux.
Store bought yogurts were so good and went down so easy, but I then learned they were a part of the problem because of how much sugar that stuff has in it, which fed the bacterial overgrowth which I have now, also learned, how to control. In short, controlling the overgrowth and drastically reducing sugar was the first bit of relief I found for the gut.
Now to what I’m eating these days.
The things I could rely on were eggs, oatmeal with honey, unsweetened applesauce. Variation from that led to bloating and reflux.
Store bought yogurts were so good and went down so easy, but I then learned they were a part of the problem because of how much sugar that stuff has in it, which fed the bacterial overgrowth which I have now, also learned, how to control. In short, controlling the overgrowth and drastically reducing sugar was the first bit of relief I found for the gut.
Now to what I’m eating these days.
Up at 7am, breakfast is almost always a low sugar oat cereal like Cheerios. I don’t do milk, so it’s unsweetened almond milk. Silk brand being my favorite ingredient wise. Watch out for all the variations. If it just says original without the word unsweetened, it’s got sugar (plenty in the low sugar cereal) the vanilla almond milk also has sugar.
Around 10am ish It’s time for a snack. Sometimes oatmeal with organic goji berries or raisins and some raw unfiltered honey. Sometimes an egg white omelette with grated soft cheese and turmeric powder & black pepper. Sometimes a cheese sandwich. Bread does not bother me, but I still make sure it is whole wheat with natural ingredients.
Lunch around 1pm ish. As you will see when we get to Saturday, that is the day I make a big container or organic pasta with organic marinara sauce and ground chicken to last a few days, this is one of those days.
Snack around 3:30 or 4 usually something like grapes. All grapes are good though the darker, the more resveratrol and phytonutrients. As it just so happens, I love the black ones.
Dinner almost always involves my trusty rice cooker. The main content is usually organic white rice (easier to digest than brown) - Organic is a must. Anything else is processed, enriched, even bleached junk. Sometime instead of rice, it’s organic quinoa. The next thing in, is always some grated ginger root… always. Any other ingredient on top of that, is how I feel at the moment. Granulated garlic, dried onions, cilantro and turmeric powder and black pepper. Black pepper should always be with turmeric and other herbs as it increases the bioavailability of them. Then goes in a organic frozen veggie of choice (brussels sprouts, broccoli, corn, lima beans).
My hands make it difficult to deal with fresh produce, so pre washed frozen veggies are my choice. Both Walmart and Target have Organic. I then take out a frozen fish filet. Always from Costco as they are picky about the source of all their meats. I let the filet defrost on the counter while the rice cooker cooks. In the last 10 minutes, I throw the fish in. It would get over cooked if I put it in at the beginning. I serve it to myself with either organic Sanjay low sodium tamari sauce or a 1 part organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar to 3 part organic extra virgin olive oil dressing.
Breakfast and snacks are are almost always the same. So I’ll go straight to lunch here. Mondays quite often is having lunch with a friend. When it comes to eating out, I look for places that let you pick what you want to keep it healthy. Moe’s; Boston Market; Panda Express (no MSG added or in the pre-made ingredients either).
A couple of times a week, one of my snacks is a whole avocado.
Dinner; the rice cooker again.
Lunch; tuna sandwich at Subway. Their tuna is pretty straightforward mixed with mayo and a reasonable amount of salt… as opposed to a place like Jimmy John’s with many ingredients and way too much sodium.
The Roy L signature tuna footlong on honey oat bread is as follows: While I do eat some soft undyed cheeses, this sandwich is better with none. Extra extra onions on the tuna so it gets squished in; oil and vinegar on the bread; spinach, tomatoes and pickles… that's it, to go. At home I eat one half of it right away and have the other half an hour or two later. Goes great with a cup of hot green tea. The thing to remember at Subway is to avoid the processed meats (pepperoni, bologna, etc).
Dinner… rice cooker. I have different fish fillets in the freezer to change it up. Flounder, Cod, etc.
Lunch will probably be more of the pasta.
A couple time a week one of my snacks will be homemade miso soup.
Dinner… rice cooker.
I try to make one a day week ‘whole rotisserie chicken’ day. I’ll pick one up around 10am and work on it slowly the whole day/night till gone.
For 3 years now, at the same restaurant, every Friday at 1pm is sushi. The sashimi lunch in particular. A bowl of miso soup (with more goodies than my homemade) a ginger salad and a plate with pickled ginger, a scoop of rice and 4 slices each of red snapper, red tuna, salmon and white tuna… raw... I can hear some eww’s from here. I used to think the same… till I tried it.
On the way home is getting supplies at Target for the Saturday pasta cook. 1 pound of ground chicken meat, 1 jar of marinara sauce (Newmans organic) and 16oz of organic spiral pasta.
Dinner, a ground chicken burger. A small portion from the 1 pound chicken pack.
Lunch is pasta time. I cook up the remaining chicken, boil the organic noodles. As with the rice, organic is very important here as cheap processed enriched pasta will almost certainly go gassy in a damaged digestive system. All into a big bucket with the sauce. Delicious. Never have almond milk with it… not a good combo I have found.
On to drinks. Back when my digestion was bad, I drank a lot of no sugar added 100% juice in a bottle. What could be wrong with that? But, it was contributing to the diahrea. But why? As many know, no matter what the flavor of a bottled juice is, it’s primarily apple juice… PASTEURIZED/boiled apple juice. That seems to be the issue for if I throw a couple apples into a juicer… no problem.
So these days it’s distilled water, organic decaf green tea made with distilled water and the unsweetened almond milk (Silk brand). Why distilled water? Some people call it dead water, but there is no such thing as dead water. It is just h2o and only h2o… no mystery minerals (mineral water never says what minerals on the label). The body prefers getting mineral from food… and a quality multivitamin where the minerals are listed on the label.
Occasionally I’ll have an all natural fruit flavored LaCroix sparkling water. And on a rare occasion, there are some all natural imported non alcohol beers from Germany that are quite tasty.
So there you have it. I’m probably missing a few things and I will probably add them here as time goes on. The main thing is making sure nothing contain stuff like:
Also remember when it comes to the PH of the foods you eat, to go for ‘balance’. All alkaline may not be as upsetting as too much acid, but all alkaline is unhealthy too… balance… neutral is where it’s at.
Eat anti inflammatory food and reduce inflammatory stuff:
To read Roy's miraculous experience of living with scleroderma, Click here
Myself and Kelli Schragg run the 'Healing Loving Scleroderma with Real Food' Facebook Page
To see my daily smoothie and green juice recipes, Click here
To read how a diet change in 2012 helped ease my diffuse scleroderma symptoms, Click here
April 2017.

To read my articles:

Rare Disease Day 2018, Research - Taking Part in Clinical Trials, Click here
March Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month 2018, Click here
Global patient video, Click here
Becoming a Patient Research Ambassador for the NIHR, Click here
If we only had more RESEARCH investment for Scleroderma, Raynaud's, Autoimmune Rare Disease, Click here
The Importance of Medical Research and Awareness to the Scleroderma, Raynaud's, Autoimmune Rare Disease patient, Click here

The Pandora’s Box of the rare autoimmune disease
Scleroderma, Raynaud's and Cancer, Click here

World Scleroderma Day 29th June 2017, Click here
Why Global Collaboration is important to the Rare Disease Patient, Click here

Rare Disease Day 2018 – Research, Taking
Part in Clinical Trials. Scleroderma, Raynaud's, Autoimmune Rare Disease, Click here
2016 Rare Disease Day Patient Voice
2016 Rare Disease Day Patient Voice

Disease Day is a fantastic opportunity for the entire rare disease
community to shine a spotlight on their reality, combining as one unified
voice. Where, at least one commonality presides –
Research provides the brightest light
for the illumination of the rare disease
patients’ plight.
highlighted other areas of medical research interest within Week 3 of my Patient Profiles Campaign for Scleroderma Awareness Month 2017.

rare disease patients are few in number, eg. 2.5 million scleroderma patients
worldwide, (the World Scleroderma Foundation), the commonalities and golden
hallmark for each rare disease patient are the same:
Early Diagnosis
Expert Specialist Centres
Access to Innovative Medicines
Where MEDICAL RESEARCH investment
is the key. Abstracts from 2016 World Congress, Click here

The Family Day at the Scleroderma Unit, The Royal
Free Hospital is taking place on the 19th May 2018. Browse the
program, here
This year, I am celebrating 20 years of being a
patient at this world leading expert specialist research centre.
Sept 2017 |
I am eternally grateful to the global scleroderma
trail blazers Dame Prof Black and Prof Chris Denton, whose commitment and
dedication to unlocking the scleroderma enigma, is nothing other than,
I am truly humbled and inspired by their work
ethic. I am wholly appreciative for Prof Denton’s continued medical expertise
and support, especially during my barrister qualifying years, 1997 -
1st March 2004, I qualified as a self
employed practising barrister. Further to having been told in 1997, by my
diagnosing doctor, that I was looking at a 15month prognosis.
I very much hope to utilise my professional skills
and qualifications along with my patient experience, to help achieve the
#SclerodermaFreeWorld dream, hoping to improve understanding and best practice,
in the meantime.
For latest updates follow:

Facebook Page:
Twitter: @SclerodermaRF @RaynaudsRf
Google Plus: Raynauds Scleroderma Awareness Global Patients
#ADAM #Scleroderma
Living the dream, scleroderma style.

Please DONATE to help
fund medical research at The Scleroderma Unit,The Royal Free Hospital, London.

100% of your monies will be used for medical
research purposes only. No wages or admin costs. Thank You.

Last Update: April 2018
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